Friday, October 17, 2025
Drive or fly into Knoxville Airport (TYS).
The best time to arrive is between around 9AM-Noon, earlier is generally better.
Tyson is a small airport so flights may be limited. If you have to arrive
later that may be fine as long as the group can leave Knoxville by around 3PM.
Call or text us and we will pick you up and take you to a local hotel where we will assemble
We will assemble at:
TBD, To Be Determined
You should have already done an online shakedown pre-trip, but guides will still ask you a few
questions and give you a "mini equipment shakedown"
Make your own trail mix from our selection of nuts, fruits and sweets
All the items that you won't bring on the trail will be set aside and put in storage.
At around 3PM, shuttle to campsite: TBD, To Be Determined Site(s) TBD
Shuttling will take about 2 hours
Guides prepare dinner in camp. On some trips with longer shuttle times, we may opt to go out for an opening dinner
at a local restaurant. (Cost of restaurant dinner not included in trip price)
Camp at TBD, To Be Determined Site(s) TBD
Saturday, October 18, 2025
Guides may take up to an hour and a half to shuttle vehicles
within the park to Cherokee Orchard Road
Start hiking at Cosby Frontcountry Campground, elevation 2165'
Hike 5.0 miles on the Gabes Mountain Trail to Sugar Cove Campsite #34, elevation 3065'
Camp at Sugar Cove Campsite #34, elevation 3065'
Miles today: 5.0. Total miles: 5.0
Possible bailout: Route Cosby
Sunday, October 19, 2025
Hike 10.8 miles on the Gabes Mountain Trail and Old Settlers Trail to Settlers Camp #22, elevation 1965'
Camp at Settlers Camp #22, elevation 1965’
Miles today 10.8, total 15.8
Possible bailout: US 321
Monday, October 20, 2025
Hike 6.6 miles on the Old Settlers Trail to Porters Creek Parking, elevation 1680'
Cache food here for pickup tomorrow
Hike 3.2 uphill miles on the Grapeyard Ridge Trail
to Engine Creek Camp #32, elevation 2255'
Camp at Engine Creek Camp #32, elevation 2255'
Miles today: 9.8, total 25.2
Possible bailout: Porters Creek
Tuesday, October 21, 2025
Hike 3.2 dowhill miles on the Grapeyard Ridge Trail
to Porters Creek Parking, elevation 1680'
Pick up cached food here
Hike 1.9 uphill miles on the Porters Creek Trail to Brushy Mountain Trail, elevation 2210'
Cache food here for pickup tomorrow
Hike 2.6 uphill miles on the Porters Creek Trail to Porters Flat Camp #31, elevation 3410'
Camp at Porters Flat Camp #31, elevation 3410'
Miles today: 7.7, total 32.9
Possible bailout: Porters Creek Road
Wednesday, October 22, 2025
Awaken before dawn to get an early start on a long difficult day, and to make it to LeConte Lodge
before the reward of a sit-down dinner begins.
Hike 2.6 downmiles on the Porters Creek Trail to Brushy Mountain Trail, elevation 2210'
Pick up cached food here
Climb 4.4 uphill miles on the Brushy Mountain Trail to Trillium Gap, elevation 4720'
Hike 3.6 uphill miles on the Trillium Gap Trail to LeConte Lodge, elevation 6360'
LeConte Lodge provides / include family style supper and breakfast,
and plenty of it. You can purchase souvenirs from the lodge and send a post card with the LeConte Lodge
post mark to your family. Llamas will pack out your post card on Wednesday. Our cabins have propane heat,
kerosene lanterns and genuine Hudson’s Bay wool blankets for all the comforts of (a 19th century) home.
The lodge is only accessible by foot and you have earned it.
Day-Hike 1.0 round-trip miles to enjoy a National Geographic quality sunset from Cliff Top after dinner.
Return to enjoy a hot cocoa in the community room, play a board game or sing a song or two
(note: singing ability not required).
Miles today: 11.6. Total miles: 44.5
Possible bailout: One day away
Thursday, October 23, 2025
LeConte Lodge provides a full sit-down breakfast
Steadily descend 6.6 miles from the lodge on the Rainbow Falls Trail to Cherokee Orchard Road,
elevation 2590'
End of hiking
Possible bailout: Cherokee Orchard Road
Miles today: 6.6. Total miles: 51.1
Shuttle back to local hotel:
TBD, To Be Determined
Gather your off-trail items from storage
Dinner and awards ceremony at a local restaurant (Dinner cost not included in trip price)
Stay in our local hotel (included in trip cost)
This is the official end of the trip. You are welcome to spend the night at
the hotel, however if you drove and would like to get on the road or if you flew
and would like to schedule a late flight (or a red-eye if
this is a West Coast trip) you can definitely do so.
Friday, October 24, 2025
Take free airport shuttle or we will pay for a shared cab/Uber
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