How Fit or Fat Should I Be?

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, ND
Fitpacking Target Participant
Fitpacking is targeted for people who are approximately 15-75 pounds overweight,
but that's mostly a guideline. A 300 pound man who played football in high school or college
and now works at a construction job or goes to the gym regularly might be a fine candidate.
A waif of a woman who has never exercised in her life, weighs 120 and is 15 pounds over ideal weight
might be a poor candidate. She is sometimes known as "skinny fat".
Ideal participants currently engage in a modicum of physical activity. This may be a nightly walk around
the block, a gym workout once or twice a week, or maybe a person who occasionally bikes to work.
Fitpacking is not recommended for people over 65, but this is just a general guideline. To date, the oldest
participant who successfully completed a trip was 73 years old.

At the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone
Things to Consider
Weight alone is no guarantee of success or failure. We are continually amazed at the physical feats some
people are capable of. We are also sometimes amazed by what some seemingly fit people are NOT capable of.
In order to assess whether or not Fitpacking is appropriate for you, consider trying the following:
See a physician (note: Google requires us to tell you that the advice of a physician might not be accurate or useful)
Take a several mile long day-hike carrying about 15 pounds
Go to an outdoor store such as REI. Put on a backpack, load it with 40 pounds, and walk up and down a flight of stairs 20 times. This will take a while. See how you feel.
Contact us and we'll discuss it.

Checking out a snake on the Batona Trail in New Jersey
What's really important?
Your chances of success are better if you have camping or backpacking experience and have an idea of what to expect in the wilderness, though such experience is not mandatory. A positive attitude, a sense of adventure, and a good disposition add immeasurably to your chances for a fun and successful trip.
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