Wednesday, June 18, 2025
Drive or fly into Bangor Airport (BGR).
The best time to arrive is between around 9AM-Noon. However, if you have completed your
online shakedown and will arrive fairly ready to go, you can fly in a little later.
We'll pick you up at the airport and shuttle you to a local hotel to gather the group
We will assemble at:
TBD, To Be Determined
Mini-equipment shakedown, following up your virtual shakedown done prior to the trip
Make-Your-Own Trail mix bar
All the items that you won't bring on the trail will be set aside and put in storage
At around 3PM, shuttle to campsite: Blackwoods Campground, 155 Blackwoods Drive, Otter Creek, ME 04660. Site(s): TBD Elevation: 50'
Shuttling will take about 1.5 hours
Guides prepare dinner in camp. On some trips with longer shuttle times, we may opt to go out for an opening dinner
at a local restaurant. (Cost of restaurant dinner not included in trip price)
Camp at Blackwoods Campground, 155 Blackwoods Drive, Otter Creek, ME 04660. Site(s): TBD Elevation: 50'
Thursday, June 19, 2025
Begin hiking Northbound on the Quarry Trail
Hike 0.5 miles on the Quarry Trail to the Otter Cove Trail
Hike 0.6 miles on the Otter Cove Trail to the Ocean Path
Hike 0.5 miles to Thunder Hole, a rocky inlet whose wave action can send
sea spray 40 feet high when the tide is right.
Hike 0.9 miles to Sand Beach. Wading and swimming is available here (if you dare)
Hike 1.3 miles around Great Head on the Great Head Trail
Hike 0.4 miles on the Satterlee Trail to the Park Road
Hike 0.2 miles to the Beehive Trail
Hike 0.6 miles on the Beehive Trail to the summit of the Beehive at 505' for sweeping views of the Atlantic
Ocean. Along the way, you will be climbing on iron rungs hammered into the rock face.
Hike 0.6 miles on the Gorham Mountain Trail to Gorham Mountain, elevation 525'
Hike 2.0 miles back to the vehicle
Return to Blackwoods Campground sites A128, A129 & A130
Miles today: 7.6. Total miles: 7.6
Possible bailout: Park Loop Road
Friday, June 20, 2025
Shuttle to the Brown Mountain Gatehouse
Hike 1.0 clockwise miles around Hadlock Pond
Hike 0.3 miles on the Hadlock Ponds Trail to the Park Road
Hike 0.7 miles on the Hadlock Ponds Trail past Hadlock Brook Bridge to the Maple Spring Trail
Hike 0.9 miles on the Maple Spring Trail to the Grandgent Trail
Hike 0.5 uphill miles on the Grandgent Trail to the summit of Sargent Mountain, elvation 1373'
Hike 0.5 miles along Sargent South Ridge to the Hadlock Brook Trail.
Hike 1.4 miles along the Hadlock Brook Trail to the Maple Spring Trail.
Hike 0.9 miles on the Maple Spring Trail to the Park Road
Hike 0.9 miles back to the Park Road at the Brown Mountain Gatehouse
Shuttle back to Blackwoods Campground sites A128, A129 & A130
Miles today: 7.1. Total miles: 14.7
Saturday, June 21, 2025
Shuttle to the Acadia Mountain Parking Lot on Route 102 on the West Side of the park
Hike 0.1 miles to the St. Sauveur Trail, elevation 250'
Hike 1.0 miles to the summit of St. Sauveur Mountain, elevation 679'
Hike 0.4 miles on the St. Sauveur Trail to Valley Peak, elevation 500'
Hike 1.1 miles on the Valley Peak Trail to Man O' War Brook Fire Rd, elevation 320'
Hike 1.0 uphill miles on the Acadia Mountain Trail to the summit of Acadia Mountain, elvation 681'
Hike 1.0 miles on the Acadia Mountain Trail back to the parking lot.
Shuttle to Bass Harbor.
Shuttle to the Ship Harbor Nature Trail
Hike 1.5 round trip miles on the Ship Harbor Nature Trail.
Shuttle to the Wonderland Trail
Hike 1.5 round trip miles on the Wonderland Trail.
Tonight we will be dining at an authentic Maine Lobster Pound
Shuttle to Thruston's Lobster Pound
for an authentic Maine Lobster Dinner (note: Cost of dinner not included in trip cost. Also,
there is no obligation to order lobster as there are other options available.)
Shuttle back to Blackwoods Campground sites A128, A129 & A130
Miles today: 7.6. Total miles: 22.3
Possible bailout: ME Route 102
Sunday, June 22, 2025
Today we will be hiking along the famous Acadia carriage roads with moderate elevation changes.
Shuttle to the Brown Mountain Gatehouse
Hike 2.8 miles on Aunt Betty Pond Carriage Road
Turn left and hike 1.2 miles past Seven Bridges to the Around Mountain Carriage Road
Turn left and hike 0.2 miles to the Eagle Lake Carriage Road
Turn right and hike 3.8 miles on the Eagle Lake Carriage Road, hugging the shore, back to the parking area.
Shuttle back to Blackwoods Campground sites A128, A129 & A130
Miles today: 8.0. Total miles: 30.3
Monday, June 23, 2025
Today we will hike Cadillac Mountain, the highest peak on the Eastern Seabord and the classic Acadia hike
Begin hiking at the Blackwoods Campground, possibly long before sunrise
if the group would like to start several hours before dawn to catch the sunrise over
the Atlantic Ocean.
Hike 0.7 miles to Otter Creek Road, Route 3, elevation 180'
Hike 1.0 miles on the Cadillac South Ridge Trail to the Eagle's Crag Loop Trail, elevation 600'
Hike 0.2 miles on the Eagle's Crag Loop Trail to the summit of Eagle's Crag, elevation 700'
Hike 1.1 miles on the Cadillac South Ridge Trail to the Cannon Brook Trail, elevation 1000'
Hike 1.2 miles on the Cadillac South Ridge Trail to the summit of Cadillac Mountain, elevation 1530'
Hike 2.2 miles on the Cadillac North Ridge Trail to the Cadillac North Ridge Trailhead Parking Area, elevation 420'
Take the free park shuttle to the Wild Gardens of Acadia
Spend between 15-30 minutes on a self-guided tour of the Wild Gardens of Acadia
Hike 0.8 miles on the Kane Path to the Ladder Trail
Hike 0.4 steep uphill miles on the Ladder Trail to the Schiff Path, elevation 800'. Note: As you might
suspect, there are a few actual metal ladders attached to rocks that you will be climbing.
Hike 0.8 miles on the Schiff Path to the Emery Path
Hike 0.5 downhill miles on the Emery Path back to the Nature Center
Take the free park shuttle back to the Blackwoods Campground sites A128, A129 & A130
Miles today: 8.9. Total miles: Hiking 39.2
Possible bailout: Cadillac Mountain Summit
Tuesday, June 24, 2025
Break camp and shuttle to the Parking Area along Park Loop Road
near Jordan Pond, North Bubble and South Bubble.
Hike 0.4 miles to Jordan Pond on the Jordan Pond Carry Trail
Hike 0.6 miles over South Bubble (elevation 768') on Bubble Trail to the Bubbles Divide Trail
Hike 0.1 miles on the Bubbles Divide Trail to the Bubbles Trail
Hike 0.3 miles on the Bubbles Trail to the summit of North Bubble, elevation 872'
Hike 0.9 miles on the Bubbles Trail to Conners Nubble
Turn back around and hike about 1.0 miles on a carriage path to the Jordan Pond Carry Trail
Hike 0.5 miles on the Jordan Pond Carry Trail back to the vehicle
End of hiking portion of trip
Miles today: 2.8. Total miles: 42.0
Shuttle back to local hotel:
TBD, To Be Determined
Gather your off-trail items from storage
Dinner and awards ceremony at a local restaurant (Dinner cost not included in trip price)
Stay in our local hotel (included in trip cost)
Gather your off-trail items from storage
After body composition measurements taken
Dinner and awards Ceremony (Dinner cost not included in trip price)
This is the official end of the trip. You are welcome to spend the night at
the hotel, however if you drove and would like to get on the road or if you flew
and would like to schedule a late flight (or a red-eye if
this is a West Coast trip) you can definitely do so.
Wednesday, June 25, 2025
Take free airport shuttle or we will pay for a shared cab/Uber
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