Wednesday, August 20, 2025
Drive or fly into Buffalo Niagara Airport (BUF).
The best time to arrive is between around 9AM-1PM, earlier is generally better.
If you have to arrive later that may be fine as long as you've had your pre-trip
virtual shakedown and the group can leave by 3PM.
Either take a free airport shuttle to our local hotel meeting place or call / text us and we will
pick you up and take you to the local hotel where the group will assemble
We will assemble at:
TBD, To Be Determined
You should have already done an online shakedown pre-trip, but guides will still ask you a few
questions and give you a "mini equipment shakedown"
Make your own trail mix from our selection of nuts, fruits and sweets
All the items that you won't bring on the trail will be set aside and put in storage.
At around 3PM, shuttle to campsite: TBD, To Be Determined Site(s) TBD
Shuttling will take about 3.5 hours
Guides prepare dinner in camp. On some trips with longer shuttle times, we may opt to go out for an opening dinner
at a local restaurant. (Cost of restaurant dinner not included in trip price)
Camp at TBD, To Be Determined Site(s) TBD
Thursday, August 21, 2025
Begin hiking at the Northern Gateway of the Susquehannock Trail
elevation 2400'
Hike 7.0 mostly downhill miles to Lyman Run, elevation 1700'
Camp at Lyman Run, elevation 1700'
Miles today: 7.0. Total miles: 7.0
Possible bailout: Lyman Run Road
Friday, August 22, 2025
Hike 8.2 miles on the Susquehannock Trail to
a campsite near a water source just after PA-44, elevation 1850'
Stop at Cherry Springs Vista at around the 7 mile mark
Camp at a campsite near a water source just after PA-44, elevation 1850'
Miles today 8.2, total 15.2
Possible bailout: PA-44
Saturday, August 23, 2025
Hike 6.1 downhill miles to Yochum Run, elevation 1315'
Fill all water vessels as we will be staying at a dry camp tonight
Hike 2.9 uphill miles to a dry campsite just after Hungry Hollow,
elevation 2070'
Camp at dry campsite, elevation 2072'. No water here
Miles today: 9.0, total 24.2
Possible bailout: Hungry Hollow
Sunday, August 24, 2025
Hike 7.3 miles to the Spook Hollow Shelter, elevation 1890'
Along the way, descend 1000', then ascend 1000', then descend 700' and ascend 500'
Camp at Spook Hollow Shelter, elevation 1890'
Miles today: 7.3, total 31.5
Possible bailout: Ole Bull State Park
Monday, August 25, 2025
Hike 11.3 miles to the Scoval Branch Shelter, elevation 1600'.
Along the way, descend 800', then ascend 700', then descend 600'
Camp at Scoval Branch Shelter, elevation 1600'
Miles today: 11.3. Total miles: 42.8
Possible bailout: Little Greenlick Rd.
Tuesday, August 26, 2025
Hike 11.5 miles back to a nice campsite near Hammersley Fork, elevation 1320'. If it's
somehow to far, we can camp earlier
Along the way, ascend 500', descend 900', then ascend 1000', then descend 800'
Camp at nice campsite near Hammersley Fork, elevation 1320'
Miles today: 11.3. Total miles: 54.1
Possible bailout: Old Cross Fork Creek Road
Wednesday, August 27, 2025
Hike 8.8 miles to a campsite on the East Fork, elevation 1400'.
Along the way, ascend 725', then descend 725'
Miles today: 8.8. Total miles: 62.9
Possible bailout: East Fork Rd.
Thursday, August 28, 2025
Hike 8.4 miles to a campsite on Prouty Run, elevation 1700'
Along the way, ascend 600', then descend 450', then ascend 825', then descend 525',
then ascend 400', then descend 600'
Camp at a campsite on Prouty Run, elevation 1700'
Miles today: 8.4. Total miles: 71.3
Possible bailout: Rock Ridge Road
Friday, August 29, 2025
Hike 6.6 miles to Sunken Branch Shelter, elevation 2330'
Along the way, ascend 600', then descend 600', then ascend 750', then descend 350'
Camp at Sunken Branch Shelter, elevation 2330'
Miles today: 6.7. Total miles: 77.0
Possible bailout: Sunken Branch Road
Saturday, August 30, 2025
Hike 4.7 miles to the Northern Gateway Trailhead, elevation 2540'
Congratulations, you have completed the Susquehannock Loop Trail!
End of hiking
Possible bailout: Northern Gateway Trailhead
Miles today: 4.7. Total miles: 81.7
Shuttle back to our local hotel
Shuttle back to local hotel:
TBD, To Be Determined
Gather your off-trail items from storage
Dinner and awards ceremony at a local restaurant (Dinner cost not included in trip price)
Stay in our local hotel (included in trip cost)
This is the official end of the trip. You are welcome to spend the night at
the hotel, however if you drove and would like to get on the road or if you flew
and would like to schedule a late flight (or a red-eye if
this is a West Coast trip) you can definitely do so.
Sunday, August 31, 2025
Take free airport shuttle or we will pay for a shared cab/Uber
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